Thanks for all the troubles taken! So very much indebted to you. More questions to come. hahahahha. Wish to give you a "face" icon but they are not available. HERE'S A BIG HUG!
You're most welcome! I agree with you that Blogspot does operate with some differences compared with Yahoo blog. Anyway, we have to play the game by the new rules, do we? If you have read my earlier posting of the article from 信報,you will realize that blogging is gradually being phased out and replaced by 微博!
I'm still struggling with the setting of the blog account. To post my first message, I am to fill in an address. But none of the addresses I use is acceptable. I just can't understand what address I am supposed to use.
I saw your various messages in my blog but I could not reach you for want of your new blog address, i.e., the Blogspot address. Can you send it over now with your reply here? Even if you have one, the code may not let you get to your own blog because the code needs to be simplified. I will tell you what to do as soon I get your feedback. I have been through the same hectic exercise in setting up my own blog so I know how frustrated you are feeling. But be patient. I will try my utmost to help you through.
Welcome back!
回覆刪除Thanks for all the troubles taken!
刪除So very much indebted to you.
More questions to come. hahahahha. Wish to give you a "face" icon but they are not available. HERE'S A BIG HUG!
Seems that Yahoo blog is more user friendly. Blogspot is more troublesome having to go through too many routes. But beggars must not choose, right?
刪除You're most welcome! I agree with you that Blogspot does operate with some differences compared with Yahoo blog. Anyway, we have to play the game by the new rules, do we? If you have read my earlier posting of the article from 信報,you will realize that blogging is gradually being phased out and replaced by 微博!
刪除If you have any further questions about the operation of blogger, you could also post them to the following web-page for assistance:!categories/blogger/
回覆刪除難得風雨故人來, 太開心了.
刪除現在還在摸索新網站的運作方法, 仍未習慣, 又不知怎樣建立"網友頭像", 可以一click便進入對方的網頁, 你能教我嗎?
回覆刪除午安卜斯晨. 終於聯絡上了.
刪除Peter 兄對不起、插句咀!
司晨、請消除驗證碼! 以便來訪者留言! 如果唔喺、好煩人!
刪除去首頁右上角 按 "設計" → "設定", 選"文章和留言", 在"顯示字詞驗證"處 → 設成: "否"!
記住回到 右上方按→ "儲存設定" (任何變改都要"儲存設定"架)
Hi! Peter! 在這裡見番你真好!
回覆刪除喂! 請消除驗證碼! 以便來訪者留言! 如果唔喺、好煩人!
回覆刪除去首頁右上角 按"設定", 選"文章和留言", 在"顯示字詞驗證"處 → 設成: "否"!
記住回到 右上方按→ "儲存設定" (任何變改都要"儲存設定"架)
改咗喇. 多謝提醒.
刪除Hi, Nice to meet you again!
回覆刪除見到你真好, 又可以續網緣喇. 稍後去拜訪你
好似冇Yahoo Blog咁user friendly. 我都係摸索緊, 兜來兜去一頭煙.
回覆刪除我係一嚿雨雲, 差啲想落雨(喊).
刪除HI, 報到!
回覆刪除歡迎到訪. 保持聯絡吧.
回覆刪除早晨, 還未有你的新網址哩. 請賜示.
刪除Hi! Peter,
回覆刪除(進行)順利,順暢(go swimmingly 一帆風順!)
咪咪'Blogger 開心咪咪婆婆
早晨. 多謝留言. 稍後會拜訪新址
回覆刪除同喜. 保持聯絡吧
早晨, 大家都在熟習中, 慢慢來吧.
回覆刪除仲有排煩. 今早頁頂無端端變成一大塊藍色, 文字消失了. 正在找人解求呢. :-(
刪除This is Angela Chong. Is there any housewarming party?
回覆刪除Hi Angela, nice to see you here.
刪除Can I have your blogspot address so that I can visit you.
I'm still struggling with the setting of the blog account. To post my first message, I am to fill in an address. But none of the addresses I use is acceptable. I just can't understand what address I am supposed to use.
刪除As if there is not enough trouble, yahoo mail has been suspended since yesterday, hindering the in and out flow of email!
刪除In fact, as soon as I type in one letter, there comes the notice: this address cannot be used.
刪除Dear Angela,
刪除I saw your various messages in my blog but I could not reach you for want of your new blog address, i.e., the Blogspot address. Can you send it over now with your reply here?
Even if you have one, the code may not let you get to your own blog because the code needs to be simplified. I will tell you what to do as soon I get your feedback.
I have been through the same hectic exercise in setting up my own blog so I know how frustrated you are feeling. But be patient. I will try my utmost to help you through.
回覆刪除Hi Tom,
刪除Are you Tomdelay?
Is this your blog address?
Please confirm