我不懂政治, 也沒有足夠的智慧和夠厚面皮去玩政治, 雖然政治總是不招自來。我盡量避免跟朋友談政治理念, 因為那跟談論宗教信仰一樣, 是最易令人跟朋友反面的事情。
我有一位社會地位頗高和事業成功的朋友, 身邊朋友都感覺他有資格從政, 鼓勵他早為日後選舉特首舖路。但他揚言永不參政, 因為一旦投身政壇, 也是招來先「起底」後「清算」那無盡的擾攘, 根本沒法讓人專心為政。至於他是否有什麼不光彩的隱私我沒興趣, 不過政治這東西的確不是人人玩得起的。
政治雖不好玩, 但政壇卻比馬戲團更富娛樂性, 端的是鬧哄哄蠅爭血, 亂紛紛蜂釀蜜, 有如小丑跳樑, 上躥下跳, 好不熱鬧。
回覆刪除Thanks for your reply.
刪除This is just another trial blog using my Yahoo old blogs.
Good to go through different kinds of exercise to familiarize myself with the functioning of the new blog site.
All credit goes to you. Without your help I couldn't have gone this far.
Still trying to fine tune before I start to actually use Blogspot. Getting close to it now.
Thanks again!
Not at all, Peter! BlogSpot is new to me too and I may not be able to answer all the queries that you have. There is only one way to get familiar with BlogSpot is to try it out and day by day we should be getting closer to what we want.
刪除With regard to your earlier questions posted on Yahoo blog, it seems to me that there is restriction of the size of the photo you could post on your blog. However, you could change the width of your 版面 to make the content of your blog larger and easier to read.
With regard to accessing other blog friends' blogs, you could try to establish the feeds (another option is of course to bookmark their blog pages). For instance, you could go to my blog and at the end of the page there are wordings " 訂閱:張贴留言 ". Click on it and you could set up the feed to my blog on your computer. Whenever you click this feed, you will be taken to my blog. Try to see if this works for you.
Bingo! Eventually I was able to come up with a more readable layout with a wider area for the blog, and bigger photo as well.
刪除You are right, we need to go by trial and error. The more we play around with the tools, the more we discover, and one things leads onto another.
El Zorro has been on a long vacation, probably back in HK early next week. I guess he still doesn't know about the news of Yahoo Blog's closure. Hope he knows what to do.
Best regards!
Great! Look forward to reading your new blogs and all the very best!
回覆刪除早晨銀仔, 你是超哥之後第二位來訪的舊友. 保持聯絡呀.
刪除我沒有你的新網址, 怎樣回訪你呀?
刪除Click這裡你的LiSilver名字又去不到你的網誌. :(
來探下你新居!! :D
回覆刪除你好蜻蜓. 又聯絡上一個舊友, 真好.
刪除以後常聯絡啊. 稍後去探你.
回覆刪除ucle pete 你好.
刪除接軌了. Keep in touch.
刪除我還未懂如何建立"追踪者"名單, 請問怎樣在自己的頁上顯示好友名字或頭像, 一click便可以到達對方的網頁.
目前只能靠用copy網址上搜索器進入貴blog, 很不方便.
glad to see u again
回覆刪除早晨, 歡迎光臨.
刪除Hello舊blog友!我是狂小子Time Is Changing……
Hi, dear Teddy. I will have to remember your new name Teddy so that I know you are Time is Changing as I used to see in Yahoo Blog.
刪除How do I add your head photo onto my blog page? Tell me the steps.
Peter 兄,
歡迎到訪, 先打個招呼, 稍後去拜訪.
回覆刪除仲差擺入伙酒. :-)
刪除Hahah, it works !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
回覆刪除Yes, so happy it works.
刪除It took me a whole week to iron ou the problems.
Will pay you a visit later when things are more settled.
回覆刪除你好, 我已加入你的網址, 稍後登門拜訪
多謝留言. 稍後會去拜訪新址
刪除Hi Peter,
回覆刪除Hopefully you will see this message if this Saturday's work is not futile.
Congratulations to your opening of this new blog.
My address is http://www.dustinthewhirlwind.blogspot.hk/
See you in my blog soon.
Thanks for the message.
刪除I will visit your new blog later.
Keep in touch.
回覆刪除祝网絡暢通, 博情永在!
另外, 我也試下在這裡開博, 嗯,但覺得上載相片時,好細張, 想放大, 好像好難搞, 你有試這樣情況嗎?
多謝來訪. 請你給我新網誌的地址方便回訪.
相片太細可以<改版面寬度>, 辦法如下
1) 先去blog頁. 按右上角「設計」.
2) 新頁左欄「版面配置」.
3) 新頁去 按「範本設計工具」.
4) 新頁上左menu 選「調整寬度」
4) 新頁頂有bar可以拖動配校版面寬度.
B) 放大相片可以試如下.
下載圖片後, right double click, 可見上方彈出一行"小、中、大、特大"字眼. 移滑鼠選擇後一click便可變圖片大小. 然後save重看. 如太大便再去編輯試細一級, 直至滿意.
太好了. 稍後會拜訪看蝴蝶. :-)
我舊雲仲未散, 今早頁頂又變成一大塊藍色, 正在找人解求. 唉!